Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wow! What a month!

I'm truly sorry for not posting pictures of the inside of the store. We have been blessed with a crazy busy month! yippy!!! I promise to take some pictures of the store this next week. 

BUT... here are a couple links to some paper that we were featured in. 

Press Telegram
A Greener Way:

A Green Christmas:


i'll to scan in the others that i have hard copies of. thanks so much for your support!


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So there was a ton to do today! Kelly and i had a show to set up for but while we did that....

1. our front building was finished being painted.
2. the sign went up! it's fantastic!
3. many friends helped out today to finish up all the little things, like painting touch ups...
4. AND we got a "shop" bike rack. (Thank you Long Beach!)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Grand Opening

I'm excited to say that the day is finally here! Friday we open our doors.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Holes in the wall

All i'm going to say is, really? what were the people before us doing in this store? millions of holes, holes everywhere. i'm having nightmares about holes.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Inventory, Community and friends

Well the inventory is starting to pour in!!! I'm so excited, it's like Christmas. I just wanted to say a quick thanks to all of you that have joined the team!

Also, kelly and i have been at the store "alot" lately and it's been absolutely inspiring how many of our neighbors, fellow retail owners and association members that have stopped by to ask us what was going on, how can we help you and to say that they were so excited to see a new company coming to town! AND how much they LOVED the idea of a green boutique!!!! I can't tell you how good that makes us feel.

And last but not least... Our family and friends have helped us SO much and its truly been a blessing to have their help and support. We could couldn't have gotten this far without them.

Thank you so much!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Store Signage

Hey everyone. i just wanted to post a mock up of the store. This is the actual store but with a lot of photoshop!! We should have signage and paint on the exterior next week sometime. Can't wait!

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Logo

And here is our logo. Took a little longer to get done then i wanted! Now off to designing the entire store!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Found quote

I found this quote a long while back and always thought it would be neat to have on the window of the store.

It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
~Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Participating Artists

Newly added to the right hand side is our Participating Artists area. Thank you to all of you that have signed up with us. I will continue to add your links as you are signed up!

Thanks for your support!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's a go!

So we are in the clear with the financials. that is such a fresh breathe to let out. I will soon be adding links of all the participating fellow artists, designers, moms and crafters. Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 4, 2009

{{{Love This}}}

I just love her style. Check out her work space! And these colors.....

Tear Sheet 3

Some more lovely displays and items. i'm torn between these beautiful vintage pieces and the bright new funky designs.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tear Sheet 2

Since the building is quite large, around 1800 square feet, we are going to layout the space by rooms. living space, kitchen, bath, kids, garden...

We are working on the logo this week. i will post the final design as soon as it is done.

Who's on board
We already have a bunch of great companies on board! I'm very excited about the number of responses. We will be creating an area in the blog for participating companies links.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Color Scheme
Accent Colors - i just love the warmth of these colors. to me a store that i want to be in is a store that i feel comfortable in.

Monday, August 17, 2009

We are opening a store!

So many of you have already heard that we (kelly and i) are opening a design boutique. And you ask, What type of boutique? It's hard to give a comparison since i don't know any store like ours. We have a vision of promoting local artists and hand made goods in a high-end style. We love the idea of knowing that we are supporting our neighbors and friends. Now does this mean that we won't sell the beautiful handmade tea cups made in Australia? Of course not. i do believe that trade makes the world go round but if its local all the better.

Now to the good stuff. since we don't have product yet... AND... we don't have a website (no product thing) i'm going to share with you my design board. I'm a designer by trade and design boards are a must have for us texture people.

hope you enjoy and see and feel what we are wanting to create with Bella Cosa!!!